Breaking bread with others is central to our faith. This book is an invitation to learn and wonder about why we worship and celebrate the Holy Eucharist. Although grounded in the Episcopal liturgical tradition, it is an accessible and inviting introduction to worship for children and families of many Christian traditions. While learning what occurs during worship and the Holy Eucharist, readers of all ages will be guided through the sacramental and communal aspects of the celebration and how in the breaking of bread we are called into the world.
The beautiful full-color illustrations reflect the diversity of God's people, and a dedication page encourages personalization. A family section offers questions and suggests ways for all ages to engage in worship and family rituals. Reflecting some of the spirit, beauty, and vocabulary of the Episcopal liturgy, this will be a treasured volume for parents, godparents, grandparents, and other important adults in the life of a child who is wondering about worship.
ORDER by clicking on the cover image.
“We Gather at This Table is a joy to read. The vibrant, full-page illustrations display a beautifully varied family of God, gathered at God’s Table. The first pages introduce Holy Communion as seen from the perspective of someone entering the church and briefly offer the context in which we celebrate the Eucharist, telling our faith story and helping readers to connect the breaking of bread at the altar with the sacredness of everyday living. We Gather sends us out into the world, rejoicing and reconciling, learning a little more about the meaning of Communion with every reading. More than a picture book, the author has included helpful tools for engaging the entire community in sharing and expanding God’s Table, as well as scripture and discussion questions for the youngest readers. — Charlotte Hand Greeson, Co-editor, a ministry of Lifelong Learning at Virginia Theological Seminary”
“The joy of the Eucharist leaps off of the page in Peter’s images and Anna’s words. The “we” is all of us. The table is everywhere. The bread is like the bread we know, and the sacrament is the defense of love, wherever that is needed. A beautiful resource for children’s services and family prayers.” — The Rev. Winnie Varghese, Strategic Clergy for Global Initiatives, Trinity Church Wall Street
“Each time a child is presented for baptism, parents and godparents take responsibility to see that the child is “brought up in the Christian faith and life.” Few things are more central in the Christian faith and life than incorporation into the Eucharistic fellowship of the Church. Yet, parents have few resources available to them to help young children discover and explore the texture, richness and deep dimensions of God’s sacred meal. Thankfully, Anna V. Ostenso Moore has written, and Peter Kreuger has illustrated, We Gather at This Table. With this beautifully written and illustrated book, faithful adults and the children committed to their care will find each page a treasure inviting young and old to grow together in Christ’s love.” — The Right Reverend William H. (Chip) Stokes, Bishop of New Jersey
All illustrations ©2020 Peter Krueger